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Indore BRTS corridor |
The Indore Bench of the MP
High Court by its judgment of October last effectively demolished the BRTS of
the city by allowing the use of the corridor by four- wheelers. It, later,
further modified its order by directing that while in the corridor no vehicle
would be permitted to overtake another. Thus a facility built up at great cost
to promote and popularise public transport for economic and environmental
reasons was given a severe jolt by none other than the country’s judiciary. The
administration has reportedly gone in appeal to the Apex Court.
As in Delhi, there was hue
and cry in Indore on account of the restricted space made available for the
mixed traffic after demarcation of road-space for the BRTS corridor. Not only
there were frequent jams, there were also frequent accidents, often fatal. The
commuters were increasingly becoming frustrated as their commutes took
progressively longer time. The prolonged delay in construction, implementation
and making available adequate number of buses also helped in stoking people’s
rage and dissatisfaction with the whole concept. Eventually, a social activist
filed a Public Interest Litigation petition in the Indore Bench of the MP High
Court which yielded the decision under reference.
Though conceptually
speaking, BRTS as a system of mass mobility is supposed to be flexible taking
in its stride varied permutations and combinations, yet the decision of the
Court did not seem to have helped in Indore. Even after the order of the court
chaos, according to reports, reigned supreme in the corridor. From four
wheelers to two wheelers to occasional bullock carts were seen using the
corridor. Obviously, it is free-for-all and the traffic in Indore being what it
is – unruly, undisciplined and rash – accidents have occurred with unmitigated
Introduction of any new
system always has some teething troubles unless it is so well and meticulously
planned that all its elements are tied together to a T to enable its faultless
performance from day one. In our country if that has not been possible in most
projects implemented by the central or state governments, the question of
precision planning by the incompetent and inadequately provided municipal
corporations wouldn’t arise. Both the BRTS systems in MP, for reasons best
known to the government, were allowed to be implemented by the respective
municipal corporations without any supervision and monitoring. This was a major
lapse on the part of the government especially when very large sums of moneys
were involved in creation of physical assets that are expected to yield in the
future economic and environmental benefits apart from easing the daily travail
of commuters of the state’s two major urban centres.
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Bhopal BRTS corridor |
Not only creation of the
corridor was mismanaged, no effort was ever made to manage the traffic. When
the Indore corridor was commissioned effort should have been to manage,
supervise and guide the commuters at least for some time if not for ever.
Having seen them in action we all know how the Indore drivers behave. It is not
their fault really as the traffic wing of the Police has left them to their own
devices. They were never insisted upon to know the traffic rules and they were
hardly ever checked as to whether they were observing the rules of the roads.
Most of the drivers either do not know or ignore the rules of accessing a main
road, negotiating a round-about or even going past a zebra crossing with people
on it. Penalties for breaches are negligible and are generally determined by a
populist political dispensation. The pivotal role of traffic management was
somehow lost sight of and the traffic administration on the roads has been
conspicuous by its absence both in Bhopal and Indore. No wonder there is a
One of the judges of the
Bench stated in a television interview that BRTS has failed wherever it was
introduced in India. He asserted quite erroneously that it had failed even
Ahmedabad. Perhaps, he was misinformed as the Ahmedabad BRTS has fetched kudos
even abroad and representatives of a few governments from Africa and South-East
Asia came to look at this success story. Unfortunately what succeeds elsewhere
does not generally succeed in India, much less in Madhya Pradesh. The reason
seems to be that while there is a penchant to act in breach of rules the
governance is awfully weak.
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Ahmedabad BRTS corridor |
What the High Court has done is to throw out
the baby with the bathwater. Instead of prescribing stiffer management of
traffic its decision has rendered a facility created at great cost to public
exchequer utterly redundant forgetting that in the short term there was
likelihood of inconveniences but in the long term BRTS would have been of great
benefit to all its users in our ever-enlarging cities. Besides, the court also
seems to have lost sight of the fact that in India the rationale of introducing
BRTS was to nudge four and two-wheeler users towards public transport in order
not only to curb the mounting import bill on oil but also curb the rising
carbon emissions of the country.
It is, therefore,
necessary for the administration to enforce strict traffic management to ensure
functioning of the BRTS just as it was conceived for the benefit of a vast
section of the population that is dependent on public transport for easy
mobility and speedy commutes. At the risk of repetition, one has to mention
that strict traffic management in both, the mixed lanes and in the corridor is
of the essence. The minority of road-users who use personal vehicles cannot be
allowed to hog all the road-space to the detriment of the vast majority.
Photos: from the Internet
Photos: from the Internet
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