Articlated bus used in Bogota |
Almost every
city in India is being choked today with traffic. There has been an automobile
revolution since the economy was opened up and infestation of automobiles in
Indian roads has progressively increased to an alarming extent. While before
1991 only a few thousand vehicles used to be manufactured, that number went up
to 3.9 million in 2011. Almost all major producers have descended on the
country to establish manufacturing facilities. Despite a claimed slow-down in
off-take in the succeeding years a few more lakh vehicles must have been added
in 2012 and 2013.
People had to
take recourse to personal vehicles for want of adequate, decent and dependable
public transport. With generous help from banks the numbers of four and two
wheelers saw an exponential growth swamping all urban centres with motor
vehicles. Traffic jams have become commonplace in bigger towns and have also
been occurring in even smaller towns.
Always tardy in
developing infrastructure, the country was utterly unprepared to deal with this
surge in number vehicles. It has been the same all over, whether in a metro or
II or III tier cities or for that matter, even in a mofussil town. The existing
roads were unable to cope with the burgeoning traffic. Apart from want of
infrastructure or, in some cases, even lack of it the cultural factors have
also affected smooth movement of traffic. Governance being weak in almost every
sphere, it has impacted traffic management as well. Added to perfunctory
traffic management is the lack of discipline and self-restraint of commuters –
whether driving or driven in plush Jaguar or riding on a lowly Vespa scooter.
Everyone wants to go ahead leaving every other person behind. The frenzied
traffic ends up in numerous accidents, often fatal. About 140,000 died in India
in road accidents
Bike path in Utrecht |
A most
undesirable fall out of this excessive growth in the number of vehicles and the
resultant chaos on the streets is deprivation of cyclists of their rights to
use even a narrow slice of the road that they used to hitherto feel comfortable
in. There is always a dread of somebody hitting one from behind – as happened
not too long ago to the well-known environmentalist Sunita Narain. Likewise,
pedestrians have seemingly been banished from the roads as coming out for even
their constitutional is virtually suicidal. Either the sidewalks are just not
there or have been appropriated by shopkeepers and casual purveyors of sundry
goods forcing walkers on to the roads that are fraught.
In many metros and other cities informal organisations
have cropped up to once again popularise bicycles. The Delhi Metro has come up
with a “rent-a-bike” system and it is proving popular. Such an initiative was
taken in Paris too by its Mayor where a more sophisticated “public-bike
initiative” has come up that allows sharing of bikes provided by the government
or its agencies. The system, after a faltering start, caught on with the people
and bicycles have become a popular mode of transport. The initiative has now
spread to numerous other cities in Europe and America.
India, perhaps,
is not yet fully ready for such an initiative. The government, however, seems
to realise the seriousness of the problem and, hence, Doordarshan, the
government telecasting agency, has taken the initiative to encourage people to
walk, cycle or use public transport. Door Darshan (DD), with the support of
Ministry of Urban Development, has launched this February a TV series on
“Sustainable Transport” anchored by the film actor and social activist Rahul
Bose. This is part of the Ministry’s campaign “Traffic? Ab bus karo” (Traffic?
Stop it now) that has been initiated with the objective of promoting
sustainable transport in India. The name has a pun – suggesting to commuters to
use buses.
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Vienna pdestrianised road |
As a result of the ban poorer people in Kolkata were the worst hit. Stressing that the need of the hour is to promote cycles and eco-friendly modes of transport, one of the videos says that Kolkata seems to be moving in the opposite direction by promoting polluting vehicles.
Nanded Township in Maharashtra has come in for some
appreciation. Here the authorities took inspiration from Netherlands where
cycling became a national passion as a result of a social movement against
numerous child-deaths in road accidents in 1970s. The change in Nanded occurred
in 2005 when the roads were redesigned to provide separate lanes for
pedestrians, cyclists and motorists – a measure that has, perhaps, not been
adopted anywhere else in the country.
But, it seems the left hand of the government does not know
what the right hand is up to. The efforts of Door Darshan and the Ministry of
Urban Development may get undone by the last budget proposals of the Minister
of Finance. His budget has effected a hefty cut on the excise duties on cars in
an effort to fuel demand as lately the sales had slackened and the companies
piled up inventories. True, in early 1990s largely riding on the growth of the
automobile industry the Indian economy picked up which eventually made the
country sixth largest producer of automobiles. The automobile penetration in
the population has since increased appreciably (about 15 per thousand), though
it is nowhere near several industrialized countries. One, however, shudders to
imagine the conditions in the country if, given the state of our
infrastructure, it reached the level of US or Italy where the figures are more
than 400 per thousand. It is indeed an inopportune moment to encourage more
people to buy vehicles.
Cheaper cars would
mean more cars on the roads, more congestion, longer jams, higher oil import
bills and more carbon in the atmosphere (with 40% of vehicles being
diesel-driven). Any amount of widening of roads or creation of parking
facilities is not going to improve matters. World over this has been the
experience since these are basically short term measures. The newly-created
spaces are soon filled up and the roads start choking again. The Finance
Ministry, therefore, seems to have caused a huge setback to a sensible campaign
of its sister ministry of Urban Development.
Hopefully, the well-conceived campaign will not suffer and
will soldier on against this and other odds. Currently the campaign is supposed
to run for a month but, one imagines, the episodes would be frequently repeated
to bring home to the viewers the virtues of using public transport, cycling and
using one’s own legs.
___All photos are from the Internet
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